Toy Robots and Space Toys
Image search results - "SOVIET"
1001 UTOPISCHES FAHRZEUG UTIOPIAN VEHICLE SPACE CAR - PIKO - DDRPlastic space car. Angular design with a cylindrical top. Cockpit and driver at the front of the cylinder. Two prominent streamlined headlight farings on the hood. Battery operated bump and go action. Marked CCCP on the side, though the toy was manufactured in the DDR (GDR). The great feature of this toy is the beautiful, imaginative artwork depicting a Dali-like scene. The space toy is one of a so-called UTOPIAN series of space vehicles. East Germany

A second box with carrying handle variation is shown below

Several color combinations. 23cm
1008 UTOPISCHES FAHRZEUG UTIOPIAN VEHICLE SPACE CAR - PIKO - DDRThe second plastic space car in the Utopian series. More rounded design with an egg-shaped clear plastic canopy and pilot inside. Distinctive wite plastic grid pattern on the top. Rear spring antenna. Battery operated bump and go action. The great feature of this toy is the beautiful, imaginative artwork depicting a Dali-like scene. East Germany

AEROMOBIL - OMNIA - CZECHOSLOVAKIABlue oval tinplate lithographed battery operated space vehicle with pilot under a small clear plastic dome at the front. Two cylindrical mock engines. Large rear tailfin with plastic engine assembly at top. Battery operated. CSSR. Czech. Two wire antennas with beads.
AERONAVA COSMICA BC 63 - METALOGLOBUS - ROMANIACosmic Aircraft. Tin lithographed wind up spaceship. This is an unusual cross between a jet plane and a spaceship, The deep sided red metal body is capped with a brightly lithographed jet plane top. The plane has two rear wings, two smaller front fins and a tail fin with Saturn graphics. At the front is a large clear canopy containing a yellow-green tin astronaut driver, similar to the Yoshiya astronauts. The wings are marked B.C. 63 Bump and go action with noise and spark. BC63 1965
ASTRA SPACE CAR - NORMA - ESTONIAA box shaped flat blue tinplate space car or tank with a large white colored plastic dome on the top. Three small red lights are set around the collar of the dome. A red plastic rocket and antenna fit into holes at the back. 20cm x 15cm. Battery operated bump and go action with lighted dome with color effect. A variation of the KUU UURIMIS JAAM
Name? Box?

Russia USSR
ASTRONAUT - USVD VYTVARNA REMESIA - CZECHKOSLOVAKIAWind up pot-bellied pin walker astronaut with a distinctive dome combining a colored plastic collar and clear plastic visor. Dressed in a red or blue woollen space suit. The base is thick gauge metal and the head is a paper core covered with woolen cloth. 1960s. Came in a plain brown box with a VR logo. 1966 or earlier

The walking action is an unusual in that it combines a pin action with moving legs.

Two versions known: red woollen suit with yellow plastic helmet and black vinyl inner helmet, blue woollen suit with red helmet and black vinyl inner helmet.
AX1 SPACE SHIP - PIKO - EAST GERMANYPlastic battery operated bump and go saucer. Blue plastic base with yellow superstructure. Small clear dome with pilot. Large rectangular rotating antenna. Piko (an abbreviation of Pioneer Construction) was a state-owned enterprise in the German Democratic Republic (DDR)

Also in green. East Germany.
AX2 - PIKO - EAST GERMANY GDRBlue plastic space car. Angular design with sloping sides and a yellow plastic top. Small clear cockpit with pilot. Rectangular rotating chrome antenna, red plastic rod antenna and a silver box structure to one side. 29cm Battery operated bump and go action. 1960s. Date? GDR Mondauto.
AYHHNK-1 DREAM-1 - META МЗТА - CZECHOSLOVAKIARed hemispherical plastic Sputnic style satellite with three small dome windows. A pilot sits behind each bubble. Large plastic antenna on the top. Friction action? Marked CCCP
COSMOS - MAKER? - RUSSIAPlastic battery operated space car. Clear plastic dome with a red plastic pilot lying inside. Distinctive small red plastic light on the hood. Simple bump and go action with flashing red light. 23cm. Colors: orange. Name? Box?
COSMOS-189 ROCKET - AGATEX - ROMANIALight blue tin wind up space rocket. Three fins at the tail and three corresponding fins towards the front Nose on spring, red spark windows at the back. Pushing the rocket forward winds the mechanism. Marked with the Agatex logo on the wings. The rocket has a slider that opens a cover on the friction mechanism allowing access to the flint. 19cm Box?

See also the NAVETA SPATIALA ROCKET version of the rocket.
CTAPT-1 (STAR-1) BLAST OFF ROCKET - MAKER? - USSRA Russian version of the standing rocket design. This is a blue tin friction wheeled rocket with three large delta shaped tailfins. The graphics are fairly simple lines. The nose is a plastic plunger: when it strikes an object an arm swings down and lifts the rocket. The maker's logo is a small boy. Date? Maker? Russia
АСТРОНАВТЫ ASTRONAUT - MAKER? - USSRAn unusual space game in which the Zodiac constellations and classic Greek mythology feature. Details? Date
ВЕздеход MARS - MAKER? - USSRTracked vehicle, buggy or crawler. The entire top of the vehicle is covered with a clear plastic canopy. A stalk with a light on the end is fitted to the top of the canopy and a rotating plastic antenna is set in the center. Marked Mapc, MARS at the front. ВЕздеход translates as All Terrain Vehicle. ATV. Phote? Details? Maker?
ВЕздеход ALL TERRAIN VEHICLE - MAKER? - USSRLarge tin and plastic eight-wheeled buggy or crawler vehicle. Orange and yellow tin top, red plastic base. Bubble canopy at the front with no pilot inside. The wheels are attached in two independent groups of four. Two angled plastic antennas emerging from the either side of the canopy. Battery operated Name? Maker?

ВЕздеход translates as All Terrain Vehicle. This is one of several variations of this design. Marked Moscow. "Souvenir Kremlin Tower" 1975.
ВЕздеход B4 - MAKER? - USSRLarge orange tin and plastic eight-wheeled buggy or crawler vehicle. The wheels are attached in two independent groups of four. Blue canopy. Hook at the back. Two angled plastic antennas emerging from the hood. Battery operated Name? Maker? ВЕздеход translates as All Terrain Vehicle.
ИТЕРКОСМОС, INTERCOSMOS - MAKER? - USSRLarge plastic tracked vehicle with a large clear blue dome at the front with two pilots inside. At the rear is a large silver plastic dish antenna. Marked INTEPKOCMOC. Remote control battery operated. Action? Maker? Date? Russia

Also shown is the radio control version.
КОСМИЧЕСКАЯ, SPACE MARS - MAKER? - USSRRed plastic space car with white pilot head under a clear plastic canopy. Silver conical motor with light at the rear. Marked MARS on the sides. Two antennas. Battery operated. Acton? Date? Russia
КОСМОХОД KOSMOKHOD - MAKER? - USSRA three-wheeled plastic buggy type space vehicle with a pilot under a round plastic dome. A hook-like device is attached to the front. Two small side antennas and a lrger rotating silver antenna. Friction action. Various colors: red, blue. Russia
Луноход LUNOKHOD - MAKER? - USSRPlastic battery operated space vehicle. An eight wheeled vehicle. An accurate copy of the original Russian moon rover. Silver chrome. Many variations exist.
НЕПТУН PLANETOKHOD NEPTUNE - MLADOST - BULGARIAUnusual eight-legged plastic space vehicle. Brightly colored plastic: red body, yellow "head" with two lights and a perforated white cap hinged on top of a blue disk. Three large antennas. Battery operated walking action with rotating antenna. Insect. Made by Mechanized Toys Ltd of Silistra, Bulgaria.
ПЛАИЕТОХОД KOSMICKÝ PLANETOKHOD - IGROTECHNIKA - USSRLarge, elaborate tin and plastic space vehicle. Battery operated remote control. The ten-wheel tracked space vehicle has a large clear plastic canopy covering a three-man crew. At the back is a raised plastic area with two large searchlights and a clear plastic dome containing a small rotating antenna. Two long wire antennas run down either side. Examples carry a 1988 date.

Forward and backward motion, steering, lighted lamps and rotating antenna. 26cm 10" Several color variations: blue/yellow, red/yellow Russia

Produced by Igrotehnika'' toy factory, formerly LZM factory.
ПЛАИЕТОХОД PLANETARY-3 PLANETOKHOD - MAKER? - USSRLarge plastic tracked vehicle with a plastic covered cockpit at the front with two silver pilots inside. At the rear is a large plastic dish antenna. Marked INTERCOSMOS. Remote control battery operated. Maker? Date? Colors: yellow, red

ПЛАИЕТОХОД PLANETOKHOD - STRAUME - LATVIAPlastic boat shaped space vehicle. Two rear fins. Angular canopy at the back with two red pilots underneath. In the center is a flat white disc that gives a magic color dome display. Battery operated bump and go action. 12" Small plastic antenna.

Made at the Straume factory, Riga, Latvian SSR in 1970’s. Various colors: yellow body, green or red trim.

Russia, USSR
ПЛАИЕТОХОД PLANETOKHOD SPACE TANK - MAKER? - USSRA white plastic space tank with a red base incorporating simulated tracks. There is a large blue plastic dome in the center. Rotating white plastic antenna. Battery operated bump and go action with lights in the dome. Date?

РОБОТ ТРАКТОР, ELECTRIC TRACTOR - LENINGRAD METALWARE - USSRPlastic battery op tractor with bump and go action. Light on the engine. Plastic robot driver. Paper decal engine details. The box indicates a date of 1984-1988. Made by a Russian company with the stylized AM logo identified as the Leningrad Metalware Factory. Note the square or "boxy" shape of this version, compared with the rounder version.
РОБОТ ТРАКТОР, ROBOT TRACTOR - LENINGRAD METALWARE - USSRPlastic battery operated tractor with rounded profile. Large rear tin lithographed wheels. Plastic robot driver. There is small knob on the top of the tractor and a plastic antenna at the back. Two versions, at least: green with white robot; red with light green robot. Russia. Comes in a plain box marked simply "Tractor" Russia
РОБОТ ROBOT - ZVEZDA - USSRA small lemon yellow wind up robot with stepover feet. 8cm Four distinctive circular dials in the chest. This is a Russian release of the TPS Mini Walking Robot. Dated 1985 on the box.

Often referred to as a pogot.

Zvezda, ЗВезд translates as "Stars".
РОБОТ, ROBOT - MAKER? - USSRRussian Robot. Plastic battery op remote control version. Pedestal. Takes special size 'Russian' batteries. With its original box. Often referred to as a pogot. Russia

Replace image.
РОБОТ, SILVER ROBOT - MAKER? - USSRChrome silver plastic wind up robot with stepover feet. Blue plastic chest and other retailing.Spring antennas with red plastic tips. Yellow eyes. Box version 2. The back of the box carries the date Oct 17-296-75. Several box variations. Often referred to as a pogot. Russia
Робин ROBIN ROBOT - MAKER? - USSRPink plastic robot radio. Blocky static design with red plastic eyes. Tuning and volume dials in the chest and lower body. Date? Russia
СПУТНИК SPUTNIK MUSIC BOX - MAKER? - USSRBlue lithographed tinplate wind up musical box with space scenes. The tin box has a globe set into front with a channel surrounding it. A miniature space capsule orbits when a top lever is pulled. Makes a simple rhythmic plink-plonk noise. Russia. The toy has beautiful fantastical lithography drawn from Russian folklore: witches on broomsticks, people flying on birds etc. USSR, Eastern Europe.

It is possible that the graphics relate to a 1956 Russian film called Старик Хоттабыч a fantasy comedy film produced in the USSR by Lenfilm in 1956 based on a children's book of the same name by Lazar Lagin. Leaflets included with the toy date this to 1961.

ФАНТАЗИЯ, FANTASY 1 SPACE ROVER - MAKER? - USSRPlastic space vehicle that resembles a space bug. фантазия The vehicle has a yellow top and pink base. The top has an open area and a clear plastic dome with a multicolored spinner inside. The front has two eyes, two antennas and the sides have structures that resemble insect legs. Action? Russia
FLYING SAUCER - OMNIA - CZECHOSLOVAKIAMarked Leatajuci Tanier UFO Saucer. Light blue tinplate flying saucer with a simple plastic pilot under a clear plastic central dome. Large rear fin with distinctive white plastic twin engine assembly attached to the top. Simple space graphics. Friction action with spark. CSSR c1970
HOLDAUTO - FLIN, INTERKOSMO - HUNGARYTin battery operated styrofoam ball blowing vehicle. The flat car shaped vehicle has a rear tail fin and a clear plastic canopy containing a pilot. A tube emerges from the middle and a stream of air supports the styrofoam ball. 32cm Two basic color versions are known: red and blue, though there are several litho variations.

This is one the two original version of a much copied space toy. There is a great diversity of packaging.
INTERCOSMOS PLANETOHOD-2 - MAKER - USSRA deluxe radio control version of the smaller Planetohod. This is a large plastic tracked vehicle with a plastic covered cockpit at the front with four silver pilots inside. At the rear is a large plastic dish antenna. Decal marked INTERCOSMOS on the sides. Radio control battery operated. Box? Maker? Date? Length 27 cm.

Image courtesy of Vectis Auctions.
JUNIOR JET RAY GUN - BULGARIAThree gear clear plastic pistol style space gun with visible gears. Friction action with spark. Green plastic nozzle. A version of the Yoshiya original Junior Jet Gun.
JUPITER - ANKER - EAST GERMANYPlastic tracked vehicle with a large clear plastic canopy with pilot inside. Attached to the back and lying across the canopy is a large missile launcher with rocket. Battery operated remote control. See also the rocketless version, the Saturn by Anker. Date? Red and blue versions. DDR
KOSMICKE VOZIDLO FLYING SAUCER - ITES - CZECHOSLOVAKIAFlat oval orlozenge shaped space vehicle. Light wheel at front. Large antenna, flashing lights, sound. Bump and go action. Slight box variations: boxes marked IGLA (not IGRA) or KOH-I-NOOR. Shown in Ites catalog.
KOSMICKY SPACE TANK WITH ROCKET - IGRA - CZECHOSLOVAKIATin battery operated space tank with rocket launching structure on top. Small gun at the front. Tracks. 15cm Eastern European, Czechoslovakia. Name? Box?
KOSMICKY TANK, SPARKING SPACE TANK - IGRA - CZECHOSLOVAKIAPainted tin battery operated space tank with bubble dome. Two long antennas with balls at the end. Light at the front. Tracks. Large rotating yellow plastic antenna. 15cm Eastern European, Czechoslovakia. Jiskcrici = sparking

Show below is an unidentified variation which may original or a knock-up.
KOSMICZNY ZWIADOWCA, COSMIC SNIPER - MAKER? - POLANDPlastic battery operated robot with stepover feet. Polish. The robot has a relatively long body with short legs emerging from the bottom. One piece head and body with loose articulated plastic arms. Detailed plastic chest panel.

Versions are known in grey, light blue and maroon. The robot was sold on a simple backing card.

Eastern Europe
KOSMOS SPACE ROCKET - MS BRANDENBURG - EAST GERMANYA stubby lithographed tinplate rocket. Silver with four red rocket motors and a large window in one side in which an astronaut can be seen. Marked KOSMOS. A triangular hook device and a cylindrical base are also included.

The base is probably heavily weighted. It has a self-winding spring and a reel inside; when let go the rocket climbs to the top of the line.

KOZMICKE VOZIDLO - OMNIA - CZECHOSLOVAKIAA lithographed tin friction wheeled rocket. Crimped construction. The design is very simplistic: lines and circles hinting at window detail. There are several litho variations. The box art is even more basic with a simple silhouette of the rocket. Cosmic Rocket. Friction action with noise and spark. Czechoslovakia. CSSR c1970
LOCATOR (LOKAATOR ЛОКАТОР) - NORMA - ESTONIAWhite and red painted tin and plastic space tank. Rectangular design with an angular cockpit at the rear. In the middle is an unusual rotating antenna "reflector" structure. Two simple astronaut heads inside the cockpit. Battery operated. Action?

USSR, Russia
LUNA - SPIKA - DDRMoon. Space board game. Details? East Germany
LUNA SPACESHIP - MAKER? - CZECHKOSLOVAKIABle, red and white lithographed tin wind up space vehicle. This oval shaped toy has a large central red fin with two smaller side fins. At the front is a plastic arc shaped sensor. E Europe CSSR Czechkoslovakia. The tin form is also used to produce a toy beetle (without the fins).
LUNNIK - STRAUME - LATVIAAn unusual yellow plastic spaceship consisting of an angular body with two large segmented wheels and a red plastic tail. The spaceship has a single circular window at the front with the maker's name inside. On top is a clear plastic disk. The lunokhod moves with its tail resting on the ground. Battery operated remote control: forward and backward movement with flashing lights. Marked Lunnik. 40cm. Date? USSR

A second version is shown with tail wheels and an additional rotating plastic antenna.
LUNNIK SPACE CAR - KNIB - USSRA small plastic space car. Very simple in design with a blue body and a central red turret with a clear plastic dome on top. Head and shoulder plastic pilot inside. At the back are three small white plastic fins. The box has a 1975 date, though this may be the date of production rather than the date of origin. Action?
LUNOKHOD SPACE CAR - MAKER? - USSRWhite plastic space saloon car with red base and tail fins. Pilots inside with a screen on the dashboard. Distinctive forked black plastic antenna on the hood. Marked CCCP on the hood. Battery operated with lights and rotating antenna. The roof hinges up. Uses 4.5v batteries. 23cm
LUNOKHOD SPACE CAR - MAKER? - USSR Red plastic space car. Boxy design but with two open cockpits, each with two pilots and a clear plastic windscreen. Large wire at the rear with a plastic dish antenna at the end. 20 cm. Details? Box? Name? Russia
LUNOKHOD SPACE CAR - MAKER? - USSRGrey plastic space car. Angular design with sharp headlight faring and tailfins. Large dome cockpit with a distinctive bulge in the hood in front, pilot inside. Details? Box? Name? Russia
LUNOXHOD - LENINGRAD METALWARE - USSRLarge plastic eight-wheeled buggy or crawler vehicle. The wheels are attached in two independent groups of four. White plastic pilot under a clear canopy. Red light at the front. Distinctive plastic antenna with disks. Drill-like attachment at the rear. A plastic spinner sits on top and can be launched. Leningradskij Metaloizdeli Zavod. 26cm x 13cm
MAI 9 ROCKET - MAKER? - ROMANIAA green tin lithographed rocket with red and black detailing. Litho cockpit. Marked 'MAI' 9 in a circle on the top. There is a serial number on the side which indicates a possible date of 1979. Friction action: two drive wheels and a small plastic tail wheel. Sometimes referred to as Strato Plane. Box?
MARS PLANETOKHOD - MAKER? - USSRPlastic tracked vehicle. Large clear plastic canopy with two pilots inside, one is holding a large camera. Rotating red plastic antenna. Battery operated remote control. 25cm CCCP decal. MAPC

One version of the box (top) shows the vehicle with engines on pods at the rear: the toy did not have them.

Predominantly plastic battery operated flying saucer with robot driver space toy. Bump and go action with flashing lights. "Meteor" wording embossed on the top. Spring antenna. Made by Palart of Wroclaw, Poland.
When is turned on, the flying saucer starts exploring the space, turns in circle, lights up in red and green and makes a noise. It has an on/off button on down side and works with a 2x 4.5V batteries. Also available in red plastic with a white lower, the astronaut is blue. The red version has plastic side antennas, the green version has wire antennas.
MOON ROVER WITH SPACE EXPLORER LAB - LENINGRAD METAL FACTORY - USSRBlue plastic tracked space vehicle. Angular design with a row of windows down the side, behind them are scientists at work. Details? Name? Battery operated remote control. Box? Action? 1970
MOON SHIP LK-1 - CHISTOPOL - RUSSIATin friction space rocket. Cream top, light blue lower. Two large side fins at the rear. Spark window and red plastic engine at the back. Friction action with noise and spark. 1980. USSR
NAVETA SPATIALA ROCKET - AGATEX - ROMANIAOrange and white tinplate wind up space rocket. Three tail fins and three corresponding fins towards the front of the rocket. A small plastic engine is positioned on the tail fin. Pushing the rocket forward winds the mechanism. The slider allows access to the compartment for replacement of the flint. Box?

Marked LEI 45 NI 34584-79. 79 is probably the year of manufacture.
This is a color variation of the COSMOS-189 ROCKET but there is no obvious logo. 29cm
NORTH POLAR SPACE EXPLORER - MAKER? - USSR?TRACTOR A large blue tin and plastic tracked vehicle. At the front is a cab with several seats inside. The back comprises a box shaped cover with abstract patterning and a polar bear image. Rotating red plastic antenna on the top. Remote control battery operated. Marked сеBеп or "North"and "Тягач" Tractor Maker?
OMEGA 2 SPACE VEHICLE, CATERPILLAR (RAUPE) - MS WEIMAR - EAST GERMANYPlastic tracked vehicle. Rounded lines with a plastic domed cockpit on top. Plastic windshield with pilot inside. Two chrome silver rocket motors on stalks at the rear. Large rectangular rotating plastic antenna. Battery operated remote control. 25cm. Several color combinations. Mondfahrt. DDR
PALART FLYING SAUCER - PALART - POLANDLight blue plastic flying saucer with a pilot under an off-center clear plastic canopy. Clear plastic engine tubes at the back. Battery operated bump and go action and flashing light. Distinctive plastic antenna. Decal marked PALART WROCLAW. Box? Eastern Europe.
PIONEER SPACE TANK - MAKER? - USSRBlue lithographed tinplate tank with a green plastic dome. Rocket graphics on the sides. Battery operated bump and go action with flashing light. This is a Russian variation of the Masudaya Planet Tank. Marked пцонер which translates as Pioneer. Box?
PLANET ORBITAL 1 CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM - MS BRANDENBURG - EAST GERMANYA tin and plastic construction toy comprising a series of tin rocket sections and plastic nose cones, etc. Battery operated remote control with rotation of the upper sections and flashing lights. Parts marked KXB 70. No 5020. DDR
PLANETARNI VOZIDLO PLANETARY SHIP - ITES? - CZECHOSLOVAKIACircular light blue plastic flying saucer with eight panels surrounding a shallow central clear yellow plastic dome. Each of the panels contains a yellow light or a colored transparent panel. Alternate panels have a small wire antenna. Under the dome are two small plastic pilots. Emerging from the center of the dome is a rectangular plastic rotating antenna. Battery operated bump and go action with noise and flashing lights. The window box has an ITES logo and Koh-I-Noor
PLANETOKHOD CCCP SPACE TANK - MAKER? - USSRAngular yellow plastic space tanks with a large red plastic dome and a large rotating plastic antenna. The space tank has a battery panel at the back with a large red Soviet star molded in the top, The letters CCCP are molded into the front. Battery operated bump and go action with flashing lights. Maker?
PLANETOKHOD ИKAР-7E, ICARUS-7E - MAKER? - USSRA tin and plastic space car, square with rounded corners. Clear plastic dome at the back with a pilot inside. In front of the pilot is a raised red structure with a clear plastic lighted gun, an illuminated panel is set in the top. The hood has a circular white plastic lighted disk. A small antenna pierces the dome. Battery operated bump and go with lights. Marked ИKAР-7E CCCP Several color versions: blue, green. The box carries a 1975 date.

This is a variation of the D-shaped PLANETOKHOD.
PLANETOKHOD SEARCH-1 - MAKER? - USSRD-Shaped plastic battery operated bump and go space vehicle. Green top, white base. Pilot under clear dome at rear. In front of the pilot is a clear plastic gun. Spring antenna. Maker? Date? Поиск-1

This is a variation of the PLANETOKHOD ИKAР-7E

Color versions include light blue/white, red/white
PLANETOKHOD SPACE CAR - MAKER? - USSR?Red plastic space car with a relatively large clear blue plastic cockpit containing two pilots, one behind the other. Totating yellow plastic dish antenna. The naive box artwork carries CCCP wording. Battery operated forward and backward motion.
PLANETOKHOD SPACE SHIP - MAKER? - USSR?Yellow plastic boat-shaped space ship. Clear canopy at the front with a pilot inside. Two large lighted rocket motors mounted at the back. Recessed headlights at the front. Battery operated. Name? Action? Box? Maker? Details?
RAKETAPISZTOLY SPACE GUN - MAKER? - HUNGARY A version of the Yoshiya KO Space Super Jet Gun. Bulbous shaped light blue tin space gun with litho detailing of floating spacemen. Ribbed clear plastic barrel containing a moving "lipstick" core. Friction action with spark. 9.5" 24c Mfg. In Hungary 1970s Rocket Pistol Gun.

9-1/2" tin litho-

Function-cranking sound with moving red plastic insert. Rocket Pistol
ROBIK РОБИК SILVER ROBOT - USSRSmall silver chrome plastic windup stepover robot, basically a walking head look. Blue eyes. Robic. Russia
ROBOT CONSTRUCTION KIT - MLADOST - BULGARIAMetal robot erector style kit. Battery operated, electric motor included. Bulgarian Soviet 1986.

Eastern Europe
ROBOT MG 1 - METAGLOBUS - ROMANIAAn unusual thin plastic battery operated robot. The relatively tall thin robot has a head that is an extension of the body. The robot has long plastic arms, a circular plastic window in the chest and a small window in the back. Date?

There are several color variations.

Stepover robot. MG1 Eastern Europe
ROBOT RO-1 CYCLOPS - MLADOST - BULGARIAOne of three versions of the plastic battery operated stepover robot from Bulgaria. The robot is made of a variety of colors of plastic. The three robots have several parts in common. 7" (17cm) Bulgarian, Soviet, Made by Mladost. 1980s

This robot has distinctive arched feet and the single lighted eye in the head.

The three robots have no specific names and are usually referred to as Cyclops, Bucket Head and Big Ears. They were sold in a generic picture box or window box. Eastern Europe
ROBOT RO-2 BUCKET HEAD - MLADOST - BULGARIAOne of three versions of the plastic battery operated stepover robot from Bulgaria. The robot is made of a variety of colors of plastic. The three robots have several parts in common. 7" (17cm) Bulgarian, Soviet, Made by Mladost. 1980s

This robot has distinctive arched feet and the conical head.

The three robots have no specific names and are usually referred to as Cyclops, Bucket Head and Big Ears. They were sold in a generic picture box or window box.

Eastern Europe
ROBOT RO-3 BIG EARS - MLADOST - BULGARIAOne of three versions of the plastic battery operated stepover robot from Bulgaria. The robot is made of a variety of colors of plastic. The three robots have several parts in common. 7" (17cm) Bulgarian, Soviet, Made by Mladost. 1980s

This robot has distinctive triangular feet and the large side extensions on the head.

The three robots have no specific names and are usually referred to as Cyclops, Bucket Head and Big Ears. They were sold in a generic picture box or window box.

Eastern Europe
ROBOTEL - VIITORUL ORADEA - ROMANIAPlastic battery operated robot. This unusual robot is made of white plastic with blue and red arms and legs and a red chest panel. The body is relatively long with small legs emerging from the bottom. Concertina plastic arms and legs. Walking action with rotating red plastic antenna.

Other color combinations are known. Circa 1971

Eastern Europe
ROCKET - TATRASMALT - CZECHOSLOVAKIATinplate 16 cm rocket, friction action. Rubber nose. Plain metal fins. Market TM on rear fin. Various colors known. The number on the fin can vary: 264, 364, 464 - the reason is unknown. Box?
Possible 1967 CSSR Czech.
SATURN - ANKER - EAST GERMANYPlastic tracked vehicle with a large clear plastic canopy with pilot inside. Battery operated remote control. Rotating plastic antenna and a small spring antenna. This is a rocketless version of the Piko Jupiter spacecraft. Date? Red and blue versions.
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